Friday, December 24, 2004

Returning to Falluja - further report

According to another Falluja resident who returned to the town for the first time since 8 November, charred and half-eaten corpses littered the streets.


"I entered my neigbour's house and found him, after identifying him from an identity card. His body was lying on the ground, nothing left of him but some bones.

"The scene was very shocking and I could not stay as the smell in the houses and the street was intolerable," he said explaining why he left Falluja.

"Before entering the city, they [US forces] told us that the town is suitable for living but we were shocked when we found no water, no electricity and no simple services."

Aljazeera article

You just have to return to the city that you have, and not the one that you might wish to have in the future.

And three more marines were reported killed in Falluja today. Sorry -- U.S. reports read "in al-Anbar province." Because, Falluja is officially all hunky dory now.<

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