Monday, November 15, 2004

Falluja's history

Juan Cole reports:

Most Americans do not realize that Fallujah is celebrated in Iraqi history and poetry for its defiance of the British in the Great Rebellion of 1920. The 1920 revolution against the British is key to modern Iraqi history. One of the guerrilla groups taking hostages named itself the "1920 Revolution Brigades." Western journalists who don't know Iraqi history have routinely mistranslated the name of this group.

For the history of Fallujah in anti-colonialism, see Rashid Khalidi's article in In These Times.

Meanwhile, The Guardian hints around that the number of civilian casualties in the US assault on the city is enormous and will only come out as hospital authorities begin counting the dead and wounded.

Most Americans don't know diddly squat about Falluja or Iraq. (And that includes me, although I have learned a lot.) All indicators are that more foreigners of nearly every country know more about Americans' own history than they do! Good thing we have heavy weaponry and nukes backing up our ignorance.

Courtesy In These Times

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